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Tag Archives: angela edgar

APRIL WRITE 2013 – Thank You

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The April Write 2013 comes to an end…


I just wanted to say how truly grateful I am for your participation and your readership. For those writing, I read all your comments & pieces in response to the daily prompts and I am always left speechless, my breath taken away with the complexity, compassion, honesty, openness and sheer fearlessness of expression you feel you are able to share on these walls. You give me back hope and inspiration when I read you, because I feel that all will be well in this place and with me.


I feel truly humbled when I think back to all those years ago when I had this silly idea (which I put it down to divine intervention) and to see where the April Write has come today, and where it could go. We may always be small in number but we are a creative family… always inspiring each other. Something Halim Flowers said to me and Marina Bayley a few days prior serves to reminds me (when I forget) just how important taking part (by reading or writing) in the April Write can be and is to some of you and how it can impact in such a life-changing way.

I’m lost for words… but I read you. I feel you. I SEE YOU…

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Marina Bayley for doing a fantastic job hosting the 2013 April Write! 3 Cheers and a Hip Hip Hooray!!!



“I look forward to welcoming you all back in 2014.

I’m sure it will be like coming home!”  ~ Angee



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Welcome to Day 30 of the 2013 April Write – a new era begins

I can’t believe that we are here already, in a wink and blink of the eye 29 days have passed by since our first mission. Since then, you have accepted every mission without much contrition and now as I glaze upon this page, I begin to see the mission you accepted on day 22. To bring forth words that reflected your experience of being here with We too. I have followed your great escapades with delight and glee waiting for you to bring words of wisdom and power to me.


Now as is our tradition, I set another mission for thee to take these small delights, which have been freely given to We and make them breathe. Bring them to life for the world to see, make them stand as a beacon which ascends from the page and sets the whole of facebook ablaze. 

So the words you have put forward are listed below and if you have decided to take up this mission it is now time for you to go, pick up your pen, pencil or place your hands against the keys. With this said there is one task left for me and a small decree use each word once and capitalise them if you please. ~ Marina








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Welcome to Day 29 of the April Write 2013: a new era begins

I believe that all things are connected and that each of us by coming to this page share a special kind of kinship which goes beyond the boundaries of a single month. We are not here because we want to show that we are the best or to gain adulation or praise but because one woman, Angela Edgar, had a big idea to create a space were the love of an art form could be shared. As she has said “she wanted to create a place where people from many different backgrounds can come together in the name of poetry to create something wonderful”. So, we came, we saw, read, shared, encouraged and inspired each other. Such is this place that the ethos that it is built on resounds in every comment and every read. 

Today I have taken the liberty of standing as the last guest host of this year’s challenge.As such wish to introduce you to a painting I have just finished entitled

Hands Which Connect #1′.



The topic for today is: “Hands Which Connect”

I wanted to show you this piece in a video as it like most things I paint map part of the journey of discovery I am undertaking, a journey which the April Write holds a special part and place in. 

Watch the video here to see the painting in its different stages

The topic of hands was chosen as my left hand was the first thing I felt comfortable drawing and painting as a child, also because hands to be appear to have a language all of their own. 

Hope you enjoy my work and that you are inspire to write, paint or draw you choose. 

~ Marina


APRIL WRITE 2013 – Day 28 – Free Verse 4

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Welcome to Day 28 of the April Write 2013: A new era begins


Today is our fourth and final – Free Verse Sunday. Our journey thus far has been an awe inspiring ride and there is still more to come in the next few days. 

Remember that if you have not be able to write or read all the days don’t stress, the page will be here for you to continue to add to the challenges or to go back and read the contributions which already grace this page. 

As you are aware on Free Verse Sundays there is not a topic or specific challenge set, as it is a day for you to ‘just do you’. The only thing we ask is that no erotica is posted today and it is added to its space and time on Freaky Friday, of which we have had 3 this year. 

So with all that said, it’s over to you to grace the page with your words and thoughts for today. 

Stay Focused, Stay Strong and Much Love to you all ♥ Marina



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Welcome to day 27 of the April Write 2013: a new era begins

Adam Rowland here again for the third and final time in 2013.


For those with a penchant for numbers, we’re 90% of the way through this year’s April Write. For those with a predilection for words – which I dare say is all of you – then this day is for you!

Today’s theme is all about language, and I have titled my piece ‘Lexicon’.

A lexicon comprises all a language’s words, and is used together with a language’s grammatical rules; together, the lexicon and grammar comprise the language.

Language is very important to me, as I am sure it is to you. You can bend it, shape it, even beat it up and it will still bend to your every future whim. It can make people laugh, cry; it can even incite violence and start wars. It is all powerful – and potentially very dangerous.

Please feel free to explore this theme in any way that is meaningful to you.

I look forward to reading your respective – and respectable – pieces.






Synonyms and antonyms are drawn together to form ironic and sardonic statements of sincerity.
Similarly charged nouns and pronouns subtly enjoy its repulsion.
Translucent rambunctious adjectives dance on the page agitatedly.
Verbs run and dance and sing.
Figurative incursions of speech violate the norm.
The comma baulks.
The full stop cannot come soon enough.



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Welcome to Day 26 of the April Write 2013: a new era begins

Good morning all and welcome to the last of our Freaky Fridays in this years Challenge.





Our Guest Host today is Justice Clarke AKA ‘Flowetic Justice’


The topic for today is: Sexual Metaphor

You know what you need to do… read the ink that he has sent to grace the page – get your creative juices flowing and be inspired!  ~ Marina

“My Dictation”
by Flowetic Justice

I spoke to her through the ink of my probing pen
leaving messages of the rising libido
and the beating heart
the kind that flow sticky and wet from the start
there upon her mocha skin
the kind that are sighed on her sweet sugary walls from within
she wanted me to read to her my words
and feel them as they fell from my thick lips
upon her thick lips
wrapped in the irresistible twist of her thick hips
so I gave her my dictation
as my breath exhaled first upon her essence
warming the nether regions of her silken presence
where undergarments are lost
and tossed in the arc of the frenzied hand
as the poetry dripped wet from the mouth of the poetry man
sliding across her in sensuous ripples
enveloping her full soft round breasts
while tickling the tips of her stiffened nipples
leaving marks like hickeys upon the nape of her lovely neck
while all the time her lips so tender and juicy
ached for more of my dictation as they became increasingly wet
I spoke on long and strong
as the verses fell from my flickering tongue
as I lapped up the phrases that found their way inside her
penetrating her infiltrating her tantalizing her
as her heartbeat was rising
thighs so firm opening wider and were so enticing
so inviting for my dripping dictation
so I increased in it’s momentum
and could feel the rumblings begin to build in feathered moans
frothing in the glisten of her throbbing zone
the sensual movement coming from her smooth toned body
back arching
lips parting
scramming in my dictation as my words were shouting
until she releases in the creamy flow of a climatic crescendo
and I left her with one last lick
one last flick
one last kiss from my shining lips as a memento
forever captured in the syllables salacious sensation
along with my members inflation
and left in the last breaths of warming puffs
upon her pulsating palace of pleasure
for only she could truly measure
the girth the depth the length and the worth
of my dictation

Thoughts of a Single Man © 2013 tm



APRIL WRITE 2013 – Day 25 – WISDOM

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Welcome to Day 25 of the April Write 2013: a new era begins

Our Guest Host is the Author, Poet, Teacher and Mentor: Vernon J. Davis Jr.


Vernon J. Davis Jr. has been writing poetry since the early seventies. He was first inspired by Langston Hughes’s poem “Impasse”, which started his journey and adventure into the world of poetry and the spoken word. He is inspired by and in awe of Langston Hughes, Nikki Giovanni and Maya Angelou. His Idols.

Vernon’s very first published poem, “Beautiful Black Woman” (the basis for his poetry book), came out in 1978 in a magazine called Black Forum. His creative collection of Love poems, “Love,is, the Beautiful Black Woman” is his 1st book. Vernon’s 2nd book of poetry – “The Emosewa Woman” – was released 14th February 2010. He is currently working on his 3rd Book of Poetry, tentatively titled, “Her, She, Woman” (Her, She – Hershey(Chocolate) Woman).


The Topic for today is: Who Or What is Wisdom to You?



“WHERE IS WISDOM” by Vernon J Davis Jr

He looks for Her…Everywhere
He does not see Her…Anywhere
He steps down from the Sky
This Giant
This King
His Footprints all over His World
Impressions left of His search for Her
He asks…Has anyone seen Her
Has anyone found Her
Kept her safe…For Him
His Voice bellows Her Name
Carried by the wind spiralling deep within our minds
Of Her Relationship with Him
Without Her…Who of us is saved,
But He
She was with Him…Always
But not Always with us

Where is Wisdom…Have You found Her?




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Welcome to Day 23 of the April Write 2013: a new era begins

Today’s challenge is a bit different as we are blessed with the voice and words of our Guest Host:  Karen Stally AKA ZUWA


Zuwa, meaning ‘Sunshine’, is here to shed some light and warmth, with her musical style and unique blend of lyrical content. ZUWA has a passionate conviction that words are the seeds of life, and this is reflected in her lyrical content and expressions. She communicates through songs and poems, to inspire and challenge, provoke thought, stimulate, heal and edify. Although her artistic experience is vast, her development as a singer-songwriter has been a very personal process, making her songs intriguing and rich. 

“The first song I ever wrote and completed is called ‘Nothing to Lose’. It was recorded in 2006 and weirdly began as a rap, but the lyrics were quite different..It’s a love song, yes. One that laments love broken, love lost… And then decides there is nothing left to lose in admitting the love is missed. It’s a liberating feeling when you reach that point where you take the fear away and allow the love to just be what it is. “

The topic for today is: ‘Nothing to Lose’ 

“Have you ever felt that way, about anything? Where you realise you have nothing to lose.. Maybe because you’ve already lost something so important.. Or because you realise that the only thing stopping you is fear.. And a life lived under fear is no life at all.. Hope you find some inspiration in my ramblings… & here’s some of the rap version.. Just for fun:”

“Stress free zone was the place that I rested

My breast on your chest we caressed manifested

Could it be love it was pure

From the start and for sure

Time went on and now we both be wanting more”

Sit back relax listen to the beautiful tones or our sister and friend Karen Stally (ZUWA) 

~ Marina



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Keeping with tradition, our finale piece of the April Write 2013 will be a Word Power challenge. However, unlike the previous Word Power exercise, these words will be chosen by you.

ImageIn order to do this, we need a word or words which currently describe or sum up your experience of this month, which we will all then use to create our finale April 2013 write with.

So, your task if you should accept it, is to add your word/s below or like the ones which have been added by others and I will let you know on the 30th which words will be used for the finale challenge. ~ Marina





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Welcome to Day 22 of the April Write 2013: a new era begins

In different traditions the act of lighting a candle has symbolised a number of different things thought time: gratefulness, thanks, energy, hope and remembrances, to name a few. I have chosen this topic for today or a number of reasons: firstly, in remembrance of the 2 Butterflies whom I have lost, who inspired and encouraged me to ‘just do me’ as I was enough. Secondly, because of a message of thanks sent to me simply because I posted a thought for the day upon a page. Finally, because of a close friend who has just lost the physical presence of her father and at the time I had no words. Lighting a candle is for me one of those simple but powerful and sacred acts.

The style of poem I am asking you to do today reflects my first formal introduction to poetry in primary school; an acrostic poem is where the first letter of each line going down spells a word. 

So, your challenge for today is an acrostic poem and the phase for the poem is:

Light a Candle

~ Marina


